Starting a Mailchimp Newsletter - May 31st

One of the hardest things that I have in writing this blog is deciding what to publish for what I have learned today. Since I have started intentionally noticing and publishing about what I am learning each day, I find that I am learning a lot.

One of the things that I have consistently noticed over the last few weeks is that focus is crucial. I love Google because of the simplicity that they present. I love Apple and for the same reasons. Both of these companies present simple, focused solutions. One search box in Google... simple, high quality technology products through Apple. 

In trying to keep that same principal in my life, I am trying to focus and only write about one thing that I have learned each day. 

Today, I signed up for Mail Chimp as a new email newsletter host. ... To be totally honest, I'm not 100% sure how I should use this list yet, but I felt that it was a good thing to learn about and a good skill to know.

So as of today, you can subscribe to my email newsletter list. using the information below. At first, I will probably just send out a weekly summary of the posts that I've published during that week. Later, I hope that this can grow into something more.

So... who want's to be the first person to sign up?

Ready, Set, Go!

Subscribe to my mailing list

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Email Format

Lesson Learned: Mail Chimp is a free* and easy to use service for hosting a professional subscription based email newsletter. Learning how to add the link to the blog post was easy... adding to my sidebar took a little more digging.

*there is a pay as you go and subscription for anything over 12,000 emails / month or over 2,000 subscribers (I hope to increase to the point where I must use a pay account soon) :-)

Upcoming Posts

  • How to use Mind Mapping
  • What is USP
  • Creating pictures with Spray Paint (not graffiti)